Welcome to my little corner of the world !
I am wholeheartedly dedicated to guiding you towards a life of thriving rather than merely surviving. Together, lets conquer the challenges, relish in the joys, explore the sources of motivation, and embrace the emotions that make us laugh and shed tears. Each blog post and each passing day, we will navigate this journey side by side. I truly see you, I understand your struggles, and I stand right beside you
Discovering the art of maintaining balance in your daily existence while gracefully managing the myriad responsibilities that come your way, all without succumbing to the perils of burnout.
Unveiling the secrets to fitting more of the activities that ignite your inner joy into your precious life, allowing you to savor every moment with sheer delight.
Embracing the importance of prioritizing quality time with your cherished family and friends, nurturing the profound connections that bring profound fulfillment.
Placing self-care at the forefront of your journey, whether it's through indulging in rejuvenating massages, embracing the transformative practice of yoga, embarking on soul-enriching travels, savoring delectable vegan cuisine, engaging in thought-provoking conversations, or creating new and exhilarating experiences.
And lastly, I’ll share some of my personal favorite things that bring me immense joy and inspiration.
Join me onthis extraordinary adventure, where authenticity reigns, where every aspect of life is celebrated, and where you are empowered to thrive in remarkable ways. Welcome to a world where your dreams are nurtured, your passions are fueled, and your spirit finds solace. Together, we will embark on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and unfiltered living. -Angel
Want to Try a Vegan Diet? Here are 10 Tips to Get You Started.
If you’re low on energy and feeling less than healthy, it’s likely that your diet has something to do with it. One great way to slingshot your way back to feeling energetic and recharged is start with a healthier diet. Give a vegan diet a chance, if you can hang in there for 7 days, you might decide to stick with it permanently.
What It Means to Hold Space for Someone + How To Do It
The practice of holding space for someone is a gift, not only to them but also a gift to you as it allows you to develop a deep connection with someone.
10 tips for moms that are on the verge of burnout
Does this sound like you?You take on more than you can handle, your head is always spinning and then you take on more until eventually you have some kind of epiphany that you’re doing too much. THEN you slow down. That's balance right?
10 Benefits of A Vegan Diet
Adopting a vegan diet can be kind both to your health and your wallet. You also gain the benefit of knowing that you’re being kinder to animals and the environment.
Feeling Overwhelmed? These 6 Tips Will Help You Relax and Reduce Stress!
Feeling overwhelmed seems to get worse before it gets better, leading to even more anxiety and stress . Before you let the overwhelm take control of your life, try some of these tips that are guaranteed to help you relax and reduce stress.
5 Tips to Deal with Stress and Overwhelm
Have you been feeling stressed lately?
Chances are, it has probably led to a good deal of overwhelm as well. These two things can often go hand-in-hand, often starting with a lot of stress that goes untreated, which can then lead to a considerable amount of overwhelm and burnout.
Top 5 Favorite Vegan Halloween Candy For Trick or Treating
Here are some of our favorite Vegan Halloween Candy ideas for Trick or Treating this Halloween
5 Tips To Boost Your Mood/Mindset
Angel Renee Gives 5 Tips to help boost your mood and mindset during quarantine. These tips will help uplift your mood. and stay focused and grounded.
5 Ways To Boost Your Metabolism With Exercise
If you want to optimize your metabolism and maximize the amount of calories your body burns each day, exercise is a very important part of the process.
Essential Oils for Allergy Relief , PMS, Anxiety and More
Using essential oils as a part of your family’s daily routine doesn’t have to be scary or intimidating. In our home we always had a balance between using natural products for wellness and using prescription medications. There is a time and place for both.
5 Natural Alternatives to Refined White Sugar
Today we’ll be discussing five healthy, natural alternatives to refined sugar. Use them to sweeten your coffee, add extra flavor to your yogurt or whenever you want to add a touch of sweetness to your dish without indulging in refined sugar.
Ways to Boost Your Metabolism 2022
If you want to give your metabolism a boost, eating the right foods and doing the right exercises is a key part ! However, you also need to make sure you’re leading a lifestyle that promotes optimal calorie burning. Let’s take a deeper dive by looking at five top lifestyle tips for boosting your metabolic rate.
Is getting 6 to 8 hours of sleep important?
The disadvantages of not getting enough sleep are beyond daytime drowsiness and can’t be fixed with a daily dose of caffeine.
The Power of Setting Intentions
Intention is the starting point for everything in life. When you put an intention out into the universe, whether by writing, saying, or even only thinking it, it’s automatically set into motion.
Stress and Your Mindset
Let’s. face it, we are all stressed right now. Covid, Quarantine, Curfews, Looting , Riots, Hurricanes and more. We are stressed. I am stressed.
5 Drinks to Boost Your Metabolism
Metabolism is an extremely popular buzz word in health and fitness circles and as a result, the effects of metabolism boosting foods and drinks often get hyped up to unrealistic levels. However, if you can look beyond the hype and learn the truth about these metabolism boosting foods and drinks, you can still benefit from them.
Hormone Balancing Foods for Women
If you have been experiencing symptoms of hormonal imbalance, such as chronic pain, trouble sleeping, appetite changes, and weight gain, you might be wondering what treatment options are available. Before looking at medial intervention, you can start with daily, healthy habits.
Natural Remedies for Glowing Skin
Caring for your skin properly is incredibly important as there are many factors in daily life that can negatively impact it, such as pollution, makeup, eating unhealthy foods, stress, and more. These variables can cause many side effects, including acne, dryness, red marks, and even wrinkles, and knowing how to take care of your skin can eliminate these results and leave your skin feeling smooth and looking bright and healthy.
5 Minutes of Meditation A Day Can Change Your Life
True wellness is about cleansing and releasing what does not serve you this includes the thoughts that enter your body and any negativity that exists – in all areas of your life.