Essential Oils for Allergy Relief , PMS, Anxiety and More
Using essential oils as a part of your family’s daily routine doesn’t have to be scary or intimidating. I am a mom of three and was married to a Board Certified Family Physician for 12 years. In our home we always had a balance between using natural products for wellness and using prescription medications. There is
Using essential oils as a part of your family’s daily routine doesn’t have to be scary or intimidating. I am a mom of three and was married to a Board Certified Family Physician for 12 years. In our home we always had a balance between using natural products for wellness and using prescription medications. There is a time and place for both.
Things changed for us when my middle child was born and was allergic to everything, including the family dog. She got itchy, congested and had severe headaches from store-purchased cleaning agents, so I immediately switched over to using all natural products and noticed that within a couple of days that her sneezing and headaches quickly disappeared. Since then it has been my mission as a mother to use what knowledge and resources I could to provide the most natural products in our home when at all possible.
Before I get into how we use essential oils daily in our home, let me give you some information that will help explain why we use them.
What are Essential Oils?
Essential oils are the aromatic compounds found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots and flowers of plants.
Essential oils have been used throughout history. The Egyptians used them as medicine, as well as for religious ceremonies. Greeks used the oils in their practices of therapeutic massage and aromatherapy, and both Chinese and Indian cultures use herbs in their practice of Ayurveda.
How To Use Essential Oils
Essential oils that are Certified Therapeutic Grade (containing no synthetic ingredients) can be used three different ways:
Aromatically: The best way to use the oils in this way are with a low heat or no heat diffuser which does not change the chemical structure of the oil being used. Our sense of smell influences many physiological pathways including stimulation of hormones and other metabolic processes. There are oils that can be very stimulating, while others are calming. Some oils have been shown to rid the air of odors and airborne pathogens.
Topically: Essential oils are easily absorbed by the skin and usually provide immediate benefit to the area applied. Because of their restorative and calming properties, they are used effectively in massage.
Internally: Essential oils can be used as dietary supplements and those to be taken internally MUST be labeled for internal use. Some oils have antioxidant properties while others help support healthy inflammatory responses.
Daily Uses
We have at least 15 essential oils in our home and use them in a variety of ways. First and foremost, our diffuser is always going. I have found that it purifies the air as well as helps my kids have a restful night’s sleep.
My oldest daughter uses a blend for her tension headaches which includes wintergreen, frankincense and Roman chamomile as well as a calming blend that has clary sage, ylang ylang and chamomile. I use this blend as well for PMS symptoms as well as melaleuca oil for occasional breakouts. I also add frankincense to my daily moisturizer for its anti-aging properties.
My 15 year old daughter is allergic to dander, pollen, grass, dust and anything else that blows in the air. We have found that the combination of lemon, lavender and peppermint oils used topically (on the soles of feet), taken internally and diffused seem to have her itchy eyes and scratchy throat under control without any drowsiness or other side effects.
My little guy loves the diffuser going at night and has lavender and wintergreen going to calm and relax him. We also use the lemon, lavender and peppermint (diluted with a carrier oil) on his feet in the evening.
We diffuse wild orange and peppermint every morning as a pick me up before school. My children no longer go to the medicine cabinet for certain symptoms, as they have learned to use the essential oils to aid them with their daily wellness.
There are so many benefits of using essential oils on a regular basis. Essential oils can help you relax or sleep better, aid with digestion or help with skin issues. It is important to check with a doctor before using any supplements and to make sure that you are using pure Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils.
Ready to dive into essential oils but not sure where to start? My advice: Begin with the basics! The Welcome Home Starter Kit has everything you need to infuse your home—and your life—with the power of pure essential oils. Packed with our most popular oils, this kit is a simple way to sample what life is like with Young Living! I will walk you through every step of the way!
Your Welcome Home Starter Kit includes:
Frankincense, 5 ml
Lavender, 5 ml
Peppermint, 5 ml
Valor®, 5 ml
Grapefruit, 15 ml
Lemon, 15 ml
Lime, 15 ml
Tangerine, 15 ml
Wooden Vitality™ oil rack
Young Living Lifestyle booklet
Item # 26640
Get Started today! No monthly order required! I will be here for you every step of the way!