5 Minutes of Meditation A Day Can Change Your Life


I challenge you to sit quietly for 5 minutes every morning and evening. Start and end your day with intention.


Ask yourself….


“What does my soul need?”


“ What serves me?”


“What depletes me: people, places and things?”


During my journey with meditation, my soul felt most at peace when I learned to identify the areas of my life where I felt unhappy or unfulfilled. I needed to release those people. places and things that no longer served me and welcome in the abundance that resonated with my sou.

I needed to create space every day for this deep work: soul work.

I started with a simple 5-minute meditation every morning and night.

You are the master of your body, mind, and soul and when you let that sink in…your life changes.

True wellness is about cleansing and releasing what does not serve you this includes the thoughts that enter your body and any negativity that exists – in all areas of your life.


Allow yourself to envision your future.

What does it look like?

How do you feel?

Meditate on your future.

Meditating guides you down the path o f becoming self-empowered. 

One key to mastering self-empowerment is to not only acknowledge and accept our body AS IS but to also love our imperfections and to not deny ourselves what we desire.

Not one person is perfect, but we have all been created perfectly.

We are going to dig deep with two words: Unconditional Love.

How often do we look at ourselves in the mirror and say I LOVE YOU to ourselves? Sometimes, it is easier to give unconditional love to another rather than to ourselves.


After you have completed a 5-minute meditation, I invite you to look in the mirror and directly look into your eyes and say “I love you, you matter” … repeat it 10 times. ( this may be HARD at first as it makes you feel super vulnerable, but I promise…it’s SOOOOO good for the soul )

Release any negative thoughts that come up , and repeat the phrase again and again …until you are so madly in LOVE with you, AS IS, imperfections and all.

You do matter! Try using the power of meditation to activate your souls deepest desires. You have the power… you always have my friend.❤️

 Here is a FREE GIFT to guide you along the way.


XO, Angel