10 tips for moms that are on the verge of burnout
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I get it. You are a mom and have super powers. No, you really do. Women somehow mange it all without the blink of an eye. We do it because we have to I suppose, it seems innate. I know that I’d DO ALL THE THINGS, until I crashed and burned. This cycle would repeat itself until I faced it head on and found some tools to help me achive more balance.
Does this sound like you?
You take on more than you can handle, your head is always spinning and then you take on more until eventually you have some kind of epiphany that you’re doing too much. THEN you slow down. That's balance right?
As for me : I balance 3 kids, a full time job, after school activities, coaching and a social life etc... I used to crawl into bed exhausted and still couldn’t sleep because my mind was thinking about what I still needed to do the next day. My days were SO chaotic and I was running on autopilot. Lack of sleep, caffeine to give me energy and sometimes short tempered as I was just exhausted. I woke up with more to do in a day than i could handle and somehow would cheat my way through the day. Let’s face it, I wasn’t enjoying the overscheduled and over booked days. Major realization..
I was a working single mom trying to DO ALL THE THINGS…while putting myself last. So I came up with some tools that helped me manage my days a bit better. The tools helped me bring more balance and flow into my days. I felt organized, relieved, connected and believe it or not, I slept better.
I want to share these with you becuase I’ve been right where you are.
Here are my 10 tips for moms, to bring more balance into your life.
1. Say NO . No explanation required
2. Make time for Mindfulness daily
3. Set a limit on kids activities , they don't need to be overbooked and neither do you
4. Get organized so you don't waste time searching for things that are hidden in plain sight
5. Get rid of the things that no longer serve you
6. Take time for YOU, when I'm happy and have good energy, everything just seems to flow a little better
7. Make To-Do lists ( daily and weekly)
8. Use a calendar to keep track of activities : I have double booked half marathons a couple of times , expensive lesson
9. Un-plug - so very important to spend time face to face with people and not try to document every moment on social media.
10. Realize that you can't do it all
Bonus : outsource where you can : Can you have groceries delivered? can someone drive the kids to activites for you? Can you and a girfriend trade off watching the kids each week so that you each get some ME time? Can you get someone to clean the house or do laundry?
The goal is to find ways that help your day run more smoothly. All of the 10 tips I’ve listed above will help you feel less stressed, more organized and allow you to incorporate doing more of the things that you love.
If you have a favorite way to manage being and overbooked/overscheduled mom that I left out pleas leave it below.
You’ve got this mama ,